Sunday, November 20, 2011


I just wanted to let you guys know how excited I am to give you your Christmas gifts! I'm actually kind of jealous of them. Hehe. :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I got accepted into Luther today! I probably won't end up going there, but it's still exciting!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kenosha, WI

These are just some pictures I took this weekend and I'm going to force you guys to look at them because I'm really excited about it. =]

The first one was actually on the Carthage campus. It was kind of shady where I was and my phone doesn't take the greatest quality pictures so you can't see the true color of the water. But when the sun is shining the water is the most gorgeous blue color! I had never seen a great lake before this, so I had no idea a lake could be so blue! Most of the dorms have a pretty view of the lake too. There's also a beach you can walk down to on campus, which is pretty cool. I loved the atmosphere of the campus!

The second picture is of a lighthouse in downtown Kenosha. It was cloudy, so the water is sort of gray, but it's still pretty. You could walk all the way down to the lighthouse and sit by the water, which was neat. The town was so cute! I loved it.

The third picture is just of a bunch of seagulls on the beach. I just thought it was neat looking! =]

Is anyone still checking the blog? I kind of feel like an idot for posting stuff that no one's reading. Oh well. haha.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hey Look!

Soo this is the first post in forever! Just wanted you guys to look at how far apart the colleges we're interested in are from Chicago. it's kinda blurry, but whatevs.

Mac- about 1 hr. and 11 min. (42 miles)

Sam- about 1 hr. and 23 min. (57-ish miles)

Katie- about 2.5-3 hrs. (180 miles)

None of us are insanely far away from St. Louis either! =]

Friday, July 8, 2011

Katie is Coming Home Tomorrow!!!

I can't believe it! We will all be reunited at last! It's going to be one epic reunion! So epic that I'm imagining it in slow motion! Haha. I can't wait!!!!!

And blogger still won't let me comment! It's so irritating. haha.

Monday, July 4, 2011


I have an announcement to make. KATIES COMING HOME SUPER SOON!!!! Dude, Katie you'll be home before you even know it! I love you bunches and make your last days your best! Sam and I will be waiting.

Friday, June 24, 2011


So I don't know if you guys are still checking the blog or not but I have some news that I just couldn't contain inside of me! I got a 24 on the ACT! Last time I only got a 20, and I was so worried that I would do worse! Also, I decided I'm going to major in English because I got a 28 on that section. So I must not suck at it. lol. Yay! I'm good at something. Finally. lol. I am so relieved!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

2 down; 1 to go..

this post is just to say...

Get home safely, Mac!!! i'll be thinking about you tomorrow on your journey back to STL:D just think, 3 weeks and we'll all be home in good 'ol Missouri:)

2 of us home; 1 more to go!! lol.

love you !!! <3

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Hey guess what? I just saw the Hangover part 2! It wasn't as good as the first, but it still had some funny parts. It was also kind of disturbing.. haha. And it was the first ticket to a rated R movie that I ever bought myself. lol. I know, it was a huge milestone in my life. I'm so boring. haha. =]

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Katie, just letting you know I might be a little late skyping on Thursday because music camp doesn't get out til 3.. Did I tell you I was a counciler this year? Well anyway, I usually don't get home until like 3:45-ish. I hope thats not too late! And I want to hear all about what you need to vent about! Love you! And Mac, we'll miss you on Thursday!

Oh, and just letting you know blogspot doesn't let me comment anymore. I dont, know why. It's really weird. And slightly infuriating.


hey guyssssss

just a quick 'lil note to say that The Notebook has safely arrived in good 'ol Belgium:D ill be sure to fill it and bring it home to you Sam:) love your entries guys, really made my week:)

and Macindoodle, i also find it super awesome that it took 17 stamps to sent it here... haha:D

LOVELOVELOVE bisous(kisses) !

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

City of Bones

GUYS! They finally casted Jace!!! Apparently it's some guy named Jamie Campell-Bower. Although I'm glad they finally casted someone besides Clary, I'm also somewhat concerned...

Go ahead... google image it. I'll wait.


Okay, now do you see my concern? In some of those pictures I couldn't even tell if he was a man or a woman. And he's got one of those either-way names. It's just that...well... I alwas thought Jace was like, the manly-est man ever. I really hope this movie turns out good! I really really really hope it turns out good! We can discuss when we skype on Thursday... Hopefully we're still skyping Thursday? I haven't heard otherwise! =]

Now I'm going to rant. Guess what sucks?
1. Next year they are taking a week off Christmas break at my school.
2.They are also taking away Easter break.
3. The seniors don't get out any earlier than everybody else.

Whose brilliant idea was all of this?? Someone who is prepared for angry mobs of highschool students on their doorstep I hope.They would change things for the worse just for MY senior year. Just my luck. All I gotta say is after cutting ALL of our breaks we better get out pretty dang early! My school is jank. That is all.

Okay, I couldn't help myself. I just want to make sure we are seeing the same person. Are you seeing a boy or a girl? In this particular picture I see a girl. Apparently Cassandra Clare loves him and thought his audition was fantastic. I'm seriously hoping I can trust her. I mean, she wrot the book so she has the best jugdment.. right? RIGHT?! Please tell me I'm right. I'm concerned. lol.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hey Girlies

Hey guys! I just want say I miss you guys so much. Like seriously, you guys are the bestest. I cannot wait to see you this summer. I love you guys bunches!

Talk to you on Thursday!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

I don't know if you guys have heard much about the royal wedding at all but it was today. It started at 4:00 am here because of the time difference so my mom was watching it when I got up for school. I missed he ceremony part, but I saw the part where they were just parading down the street going to that balcony thing. My mom said that she was waiting for the royal kiss, which is done on the balcony thing. So I was like oh hey! I want to see that too! So I sat around all morning instead of getting ready for school just waiting for them to get there in their carriage. Around 6:40 I was still waiting and waiting and at that point I'm like "Okay, are they ever gunna get there??" And by the time I finally had to leave for school they still hadn't done the royal kiss! Can you believe that? I wasted my whole morning watching them just smile and wave. lol. So I was a little disappointed. And then Ryan Seacrest posted the Royal Kiss video on facebook so I watched it. This is what I was waiting for the entire morning:

All that hype for that? Haha. It was still sweet though. lol

I don't know how royal wedding work so maybe a romantic kiss isn't proper or something. I just couldn't believe that was it. Maybe I'm just weird. lol.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


wow, its been a while since ive posted on our blog guys and im sorry about that!

i dont actually have anything exciting to say, so sorry to get you all excited for posting for nothing, BUT i just thought id post a message to tell you guys i love you and miss you and all that jazz:D and that SAM! i finished the interview with Robert Pattinson! oh my gosh, just about the funniest thing ive ever seen! i cracked up laughing, especially on how he can talk for so long about nothing at all and how everyone thinks its charming! hahahaha! well have to talk about that soon too:) and Mac-daddy, im dying to know news, so asap, give us some, okay? im waiting to hear you havent died paragliding and if you have.. well.. that would be very sad.. ;)

lator gators! love much<3

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

First of all, Happy Easter! Second of all, I have another present for you. It's a deleted scene from Clockwork Prince:

I think I'm more anxious for this book to come out more than anything else!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My car is falling apart!

Do you want to hear what happened to me on the way to school today?? Of course you do.

Okay, it had been thundering and pouring down rain all morning. So, naturally, when I got in my car I turned on my windsheild wipers. I was driving down the street, nothing unusual, when all of the sudden (insert long dramatic pause here) I heard a huge CRACK! And then my right windsheild wiper was gone. It startled me soo bad I almost peed myself. Haha. My windsheild wiper just flew off! That would happen to me. I'm pretty sure it isn't normal. So anyway, I drove the rest of the way to school in the rain with only one working windsheild wiper. Soo random.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Host

Did you guys know that they are making The Host a movie?? I had no idea! Everything's becoming a movie! What is up? haha. I guess that's a good thing though! I don't think they have anybody casted yet though. I think it's safe to assume that every popular book (especially YA books) will eventually be made into a movie. lol.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I would like to make it public knowledge that I have received the notebook safely and it will be going around the South of Ghana with me! Don't worry, though, Katie. I won't keep it too long. I was so super excited to get it, you two don't even know. I practically ran home with it!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Jump and Shoot

Serina! I was so proud of her! We sang Justin Bieber to helpher get across. lol.
Venture crew went to Beaumount this weekend for shooting and high/low ropes course! I only came Saturday night so I could do the high ropes course on Sunday! But it was still really fun! I'm getting better at the high ropes, I was only scared at the end when you have to get on your stomach. I hate that part. It's so painful for me! Except I decided I hate the challenge course. I realized I have trust issues. lol. You know the one with the giant wall where people have to lift you over? Yeah, well for some reason that one really freaked me out. I was soooo scared that I refused to finish. Which is weird because I've done it before last summer at confir camp with no problem. Well, anyway, on saturday night we watched The Italian Job on the projector outside and I didn't even fall asleep this time! And you know the bathrooms by the horse stables? Yeah, well we had to use those and guess what? There were bajillions of wasps and bees in there. It took me a good 10 minutes to go in there. And even then Serina and Savannah had to push me in and protect me. haha. I hate bugs!

Also! Mackenzie, I got the bracelet (brain fart, I can't remember how to spell bracelet? braclet?) and the necklace! I love them! Thank you so much! =]

Be Excited!

AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Guess what children!!! Im going PARAGLIDING! There is like some big paragliding festival in the South of Ghana over the Easter holiday! How convenient that ill he there then. right? haha and if you have no idea what paragliding is don't worry. I didn't either! but its a little like parasailing and a little like hang gliding. Yahoo!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Just Finished City of Fallen Angels!!

It was sooo good! I finished it last night! But the end was a MAJOR cliff hanger, so beware! I really need to stop getting myself attatched to all these unfinished series. The drawn out suspense is so painful! haha. I can't wait for you guys to read it so we can all have a major discussion! There's plenty of romantic/hot and steamy Clary/Jace scenes, so you guys will be just as please as I am. It is also balanced out with some epic action, which is always awesome! My only complaint is that I miss Jace's sarcasticness. In the other 3 books he had all these hilarious comebacks and comments because his guard was up or whatever. In this one his guard is more down and there is less of the snarkiness (if that's the correct word.) Although Simon sort of made up for the sarcastic comments. You get to know him a lot more in this book. Talking about it with out giving anything away is torturing me so I better stop there!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Who's playing Who?


i super dont know how to feel about these decisions.. lol. they'll have a lot of work to do to make them look right, and i dont know if their acting is up to scratch, but it was literally just announced on april 4th that Josh Hutcherson will play Peeta, Jennifer Lawrence will play Katniss, and Liam Hemsworth will play Gale in The Hunger Games Movie...

you all remember JH from The Bridge of Teribitha, LH from The Last Song, and who the heck knows what other movies Jennifer Lawrence has been in?? ive never heard of her until now.. lol.

anyways, thought you guys would be interested to know.. go to google, type their names in, and see for yourself!! hahahaha! then come here and comment:)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Day Without Shoes

Did you guys know that today was TOMS no shoes day? I was always mad because it's always on a week day when we have school. So I didn't think I could do it because I thought I couldn't walk around school with no shoes. But it turns out someone talked to our principal and convinced him to allow no shoes. I don't know how they did it because my principle is all wack. haha. So there was a bunch of people walking around with out shoes! It was awesome! AND! I get City of Fallen Angels today! But I have to wait for mi madre to get home because she has a 30% off coupon. I like to save money, but I hate waiting! AHHHH! I hope Barnes and Noble doesn't sell out before 6:30 because now that Borders closed we only have ONE book store! UNO!! PORQUE!?! lol. I'm in a Spanish mood today. Love you guys!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


only 100 days left until i return to the good ol' US of A

just thought you'd like to know:)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices

Do you guys love me? You must! I tracked this down for you! I was telling Katie about how sometimes Cassie Clare does these character quesions on twitter where people ask questions about the characters and she answers them as the character. It's so awesome! (I'm the biggest nerd ever. haha) Well I was having trouble explaining it and I really wanted you guys to see it so I finally found this lovely link that has all of the questions she's ever done! So Enjoy!!! I will post anymore questions she does in the future. I dont want you gus missing out! haha. You need SOMETHING in American English to read. lol. Oh! And Mac, I showed these to Katie already but I don't know if you've seen them at all. They are Cassandra Clare's "cookies" that she posts on twitter every once and a while. So awesome! That last one is my favorite! lol. And Katie, I don't think I showed you all of these so read them all! Also there was this "Dirty Sexy Ally Scene" thing she posted. It was cut from the book trailer? I guess? Anyway its really weird and random but still sort of exciting. (Actually I'm tired of handcopying these URL's, if you wanna see it search DSAS From Cassandra Clare on youtube, its the VLCPhotoProductions one.) AND! If you got to you can find the seelie court scene from city of ashes from Jace's point on view. As of right now its in the first post (The one with the big picture.) So there you go! Now you are BOTH caught up. love you! And Your welcome! hehe. =] Oh, and PS, super sorry about the spacing. I hate blogspot. I'll color code stuff to make it more understandable.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Just thought I'd catch you guys up on some things. haha.

So this video was the most viral video like last week or two weeks ago. I dont know why, the song is awful! But everytime someone mentions it the dang song get stuck in my head. And everybody always sings it! lol.

And this song isn't really that new so you might have heard it but I love it! haha. It's so fun to sing while blow drying your hair!

Also Justin Bieber has two new songs. Born to be Somebody and Next 2 You (Which he sings withChris Brown.) I know the "2" is annoying. Just like how the U in "U" Smile annoys me. What is with that? That like how middleschoolers write when they want to be cool. I dont even text like that! lol. Well, aside from that issue, the songs are good.

Glee has some original songs now! The best one is Loser Like Me. They sang it for sectionals.

hmmmm... what else? Oh!Lady Gaga has a new songs called Born This Way. I like it!

It would just be tragic if you came home and didn't recognize anything on the radio. lmao. Unless you just listen to Y98 cause theymostly play songs that were maybe popular in like 2001. Oh, and they play Hey Soul Sister. Alot. Possibly every 3rd song.

I would put links to all of these except Blogspot is dumb and it doesn't let me copy and paste and I'm too lazy to type out the all the URL's so yeah. Too bad so sad. =]

AND! The best for last! I got a new phone!! It's sooo cool! I can make Microsoft Word documents on it. Not that I would ever need to use that but it's nice to have just in case. haha.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


The last vlog me and Serina did wouldn't upload so here's one from me and Riley. :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Guess what! I found this awesome cafe that is pretty fast and...Has a mouthpiece! I feel a skype session coming soon!!! Anyway tell me a date(maybe in like 2 weeks) that works for you two and I'm there!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I got bored and I made this on paint. Haha.I was so proud.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Guess what guys! I went to YRU last weekend and I was the only girl from our church that went. Aren't I brave? haha. It felt so different with out you guys. But it was all good because I made friends with the girls from the church that roomed with me. Weird right? Me meeting new people. lol. Any way the theme was YRU in God's image. And we talked all about relationships and stuff. I thought it got a little awkward during my small group with that topic a couple times though. Haha. But the speaker was really good. It was a girl this time!

And also I got a 20 on my ACT. So I guess that was better than I was expecting. I was worried I'd get like a 16 or something. And my mom doesn't think a 20 is good enough and she might make me take ACT prep classes. So lame. I think if I can at least get a 20 the first time I take it I can improve my score at least by a few points. I did good on the english and reading portion. It's the math and science that got me. haha. but in my defense we hadn't learned much of the sin cos tan stuff until after the ACT, and I forgot it from geometry. And the science... well... yeah. I guessed on like everything. It's all long passages and graphs. It's not even like I can apply what I learn in chemistry or biology or anything to it. SOOOO hard.

love you guys!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The World as I Know it is Ending

The Borders by my house is CLOSING!

What has the world come to?

I'm going to have to go to... *chokes* ...Barnes and Noble.

I'm having trouble breathing.

I see a bright light.

Jesus is telling me not to be afraid.

...Stupid economy. haha. I love being dramatic.


guess what you guys??

im going to London this weekend! cool, huh? lol! another American friend of mine had found tickets and we just decided to go! haha. it was so last minute, it wasn't even funny, but hey! why not, right?? ;) when in Europe.... ;)

just wanted to share my excited news for this weekend!! hope you guys are doing amazing:)

talk soon, lots of love

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Had a Dream!

Guess what? Me and Serina made a vlog for you guys. But I'm too lazy to upload it right now. I will soon though. lol.


I had a really wierd dream the other night and I want to share it with you. lol. So for some reason Katie went to my school and she was supposed to come to my locker after class. I saw something that triggered some kind of vision that Katie was going to have a stroke. Haha. So I was freaking out because I just saw the future and I knew Katie was going to collapse when she got to my locker. So when I saw her walking toward me I was like "No, wai--" and then she collapsed and had a stroke. So while I was walking to the front of the school so my mom could pick me up to take me to the hospital to see Katie I was talking to my friend. I said "I don't think I'm psychic or anything, but I just saw the future." And then she was like "Yeah, I totally know what you're saying!" So then I got in my mom's car and she said to me "I know this a tragedy and everything but maybe if Katie isn't dying we could go get Coldstone." So then I said "Ummm.. yeah, I guess."

Haha! It was soooo weird.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I have to take the ACT tomorrow.... ugh. I'm kinda not feeling so confident. And that means I have to miss skating with the VC tonight cuz it goes till 11. lame!! I really hope I don't zone out during the test because it seems like something I would do on a test that long. haha. Wish me luck!

Monday, February 7, 2011

One Tree Hill

I just want to say that I can't believe I ever stopped watching One Tree Hill!!!!!!!!!! The eighth season is SOOOOOOOOOO good! It's so intense! And I'm really frustrated at this message:

"You have watched 72 minutes of video today. Please wait 30 minutes."

I am at a part where Jamie is stuck in a car in a river and Quin is being chased around her house by a psycho with a knife, and what?? They want me to wait 30 minutes!? Not possible. I am going to force you guys to watch it when you get back. Ohhh and guess what?? Haley is pregnant again! Ohhh how I missed One Tree Hill. haha.

Love you guys!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Guess What!?

thats me and Riley eating breakfast in my kitchen!

I got out of school 2 hours early today because of ice! That hasn't happened in my district since like... elementry school! It's been a really nasty winter so far, and the worst is yet to come! We probably won't go back to school until thursday because we'll be snowed/iced in! I hope we don't lose our power, that would suck! Do you know what else is pretty lame?? I'm going to be going to school FAR too into the summer than my liking. I've already had like 5 snow days and by the end of this blizzard it will probably be 8. And Feburary just started!! INSANITY! And my school already goes later than everyone elses. Plus my district doesnt schedule any snow days into the school year like normal, SMART schools do. I know this doesn't affect you guys but you should still feel sorry for poor, little old me who hates winter. haha!
Guess what else!? I got the Iron QUEEN today!!! It's pretty good so far. I went to Borders to get it and they didn't even have it in their stores! But luckily trusty old Barnes and Noble is right across the street and had it. Except I didn't have a gift card to Barnes and Noble... but its all good. Totally worth it. lol.
Hmm... what else? Well, I guess I could tell you about all the fun me and Serina have on Wednesday nights! Jory and Grace come sometimes too! Maybe, if they don't call off SOS on Wednesday we'll make you guys a vlog! Last week me and Serina painted pictures for each other. Only hers was a lot cooler than mine cause it was in Japenese. Haha. Oh and last night was duck tape night at fly! (Oh dear... I mean't DUCT tape. haha wow Sam.) And guess who we taped to the wall!? Serina!! lol, it was pretty funny!
Geeze this post is a lot longer than I meant it to be. Sorry you have to read 50 bajillion paragraphs about nothing. But if you don't read the whole thing, shame on you! One last thing! I made a replica of my house on sims and it looks exactly like my house! It's awesome. But also somewhat pathetic that I had the free time to do that. We had a lot of snow days okay!?! lol. But anyways tell me if this room looks familiar to you. Miss you guys and I love you!!
P.S. The spacing of the paragraphs is REALLY annoying me but it won't let me fix it!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


heyy guys! sorry for my lack of posts... lol.

but yes! mac, im so excited to see your uniform and i hope all is going well in your family! my new family is great. great. great. :) and sam! yes, youthquake looked like soo much fun, and i appreciate your prayers girlie!

we have soooo much to catch up on. NO JOKE. plan a skype session between all of us soon? i dont know what your computer/internet situation is, mac, but lets do it soon! i miss you guys too much! ;) and sammm! i know, im sooo excited for the COB movie! wonderful idea, huh?? lol! and ill look up the song too :) the pics of the arch were priceless! i loved them! they were of home :)

alrighty, just a quick post alllll the way from Belgium! love you guys. talk soon. bisous!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Listen to This

Youtube the music video "You Are More" by Tenth Avenue North. Right now. Do it. Why? Because it's amazing. It gave me chills the first couple times I watched it. It has a really powerful message, and I kow you guys will LOVE it!

Love you guys and I miss you like crazy!


Hey I don't have much time but I thought I would post my first post from Ghana on this blog from my school! I'm in my uniform right now! I am really sorry that I am not chilling with you you Sam but Youthquake looked like a whole lot of fun! Katie I hope you are in a good family! I haven't heard from you at all! Love you guys bunches!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Miss This?

I've never missed anyone more than I miss you guys right now! Hope you're having fun! I prayed for you guys this weekend at YOUTHQUAKE! It was sooo much fun! But I still missed you guys! And Katie, I got the chocolate and the journal. Thank you sooooo much! It's delicious =]

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Have you heard!?

GUYS!! I don't know if you've heard this or not but I think they might make City of Bones into a movie!!

I'm excited but now I just have one more thing to anticipate. haha.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mackenzie I am going to miss you SOOOOOOOOO much! You left today so you are probably off having way more fun than me. Right now I'm sitting around watching iCarly (It's the one where Spencer gets those foreign shirtless models to help make Carly's awards) so I don't have to do my chemistry homework. Haha.
I'm all alone now!! And I can't wait until BOTH of you are back AT THE SAME TIME! lol.

Do you guys wanna laugh REALLY hard!? Of course you do.
Read this:

Just think, nothing embarressing you've ever done doen't even equal a fraction of the mortification that girl felt. haha. I laughed so hard.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I cannot believe I'm leaving tomorrow! Its a crazy feeling. It hasn't sunk in at all! I will miss not having either of you with me so much! I'll be thinking of you guys. I have no idea how much I will be able to contact you guys but I will definatly continue to update this blog and my travel blog.

Love you guys Bunches!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I have some sad news... I don't think I'll be able to go to the Dominican Rupublic anymore. =[
It turns out $2,000 is a little pricey with barely any fundraising. It was all so disorganized and we didn't really know what was going on with it considering we never made the down payment. I really wish we could all go, it would be a blast! I really hope you can still go, Katie. But I'm not gunna lie, I'm majorly jealous.

But, the good news is me and Lexi can both go to Workcamp!! That should be awesome! =]